Friday, November 22, 2013


Cheer Leaders Vs. Cheer Followers

Cheer!!! Cheer!!!
Cheer here!
Cheer here!
Never fear,
with cheer here!
Need a dose? Take some more,
This is what we are living for,
Cheer here!
Cheer here!
Never fear,
with cheer here!
Joy to the land and home of the free,
Able to discover who we can be.
Cheer here!
Cheer here!
Never fear,
with cheer here!
Joyful in jubilee, 
Shouting bubblie,
Cheer here!
Cheer here!
Never fear,
with cheer here!
Bring the light to the dark,
Wait until there is a spark,
Cheer here!
Cheer here!
Never fear,
with cheer here!
Cherrio and smile to see,
this is who we were made to be!

(Poem by Robert Warren)
(Creator of this Blog)

"The frowns, anguish and deceitfulness of life takes people down a course of obstacles but it takes that course to win the race. It takes that person to realize its not their shoes going slow, it is them. The slowest person has two options: 1) Focus on the negativity which is the slowness... Or... 2) Realize it then change for the better. If you want to change, then make a difference. You can't do things the same or things get boring and dull. You have to decide that you will put in the effort, then you will get it, cheer. The audience will have been cheering you on, because when you thought your shoes were making you slow, they were the ones speeding you up as they pick you up along the way. The audience is cheering for you and hollering for you to find joy. That audience is your friends, family, colleagues, staff, workers, educators, mentors, or by any other means, people associated with you in a positive way. These people will cheer you on but it is up to you to  run."    

(Quote by Robert Warren)
(Creator of this Blog)

"Cheer! What for? Happiness."

(Quote by Robert Warren)

"We can all bring each other up or we can all bring each other down. Either way though, we are all in this together. You can be the bringer or the taker. You can be taking happiness or giving it. You can absorb energy or produce it. The choice is up to you."

(Quote by Robert Warren)
(Creator of this Blog)

"Cheer-I-owe: Just say that and think about it."

(Quote by Robert Warren)

"Cheer here!
Cheer here!
Never fear,
with cheer is here!"

(Robert Warren)
(Creator of this Blog)

"Cheer off with your way and cheer on with your life."

(Quote by Robert Warren)

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