Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Undefined Days, Going Past Logic and Into Imagination

Morning Sun
Rise and shine, morning is here,
No need to sleep in, no need to fear,
Wake up, and greet the sun with a shine
This is your opportunity to be more than fine.
Greet the morning sun with a have a good day,
You are here so you might as well stay.

(Poem by Robert Warren)
(Creator of this Blog)

Nighttime Moon
Good night sun, good morning moon.
This is the time for the night owls to bloom.
Scouting the misty night air,
There seems to be an absence of care,
But care for everything you do,
Because nighttime moon is watching you.

(Poem by Robert Warren)
(Creator of this Blog)

"Live your nights and your days the same, if you are living your night to the standards of your day, you are doing it right, except one thing, please get sleep." 

(Robert Warren, the Creator of this Blog)

"Dreaming is the closest thing we have to escape our reality. The stronger our imagination the better are dreams. The better our dreams the more likely we will remember them. The more dreams we remember, the more dreams we can make come true. We won't have to escape reality if it is made of dreams coming true." 

(Robert Warren, the Creator of this Blog)

"Most people don't make life a dream because they think it`s a nightmare, but that's easy. If life is a nightmare simply wake up and make it a dream." 

(Robert Warren, the Creator of this Blog)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Seeing Details = Deeper Appreciation

Be careful not to miss the details because...
Details make a difference...
Details form vision`s...
The details whether you notice them or not, they are there...
See what I mean.

Now you know,
Detail`s are so,
The more details you see,
The better you will be,
Observe, don't complain,
Or there will be nothing to gain,
The details, let them be,
The details, go out and see.

"Details are there for a reason; they are there for appreciation." -Robert James Warren
(Creator of this blog)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Post Everyone Should Read, Storytelling

Everyone has a story...
It`s your choice if you tell it, but... 
You create your story...
But the story also creates you...
Stories are something you can sense..
Storytelling leaves a mark...
Storytelling can offer solutions...
Stories connect us...
Storytelling has many formats...
In our life we play casted characters and...
Businesses tell stories...
Music, Poems, Art, Science, Math whatever it may be; tells a story...
The stories bring truth and...
Everything in our life can derive from storytelling...
Storytelling matters...
The nice thing is you have the opportunity to develop your character in this story...
Try to be the best storyteller you can be because...
Big corporations define their story...
We have a need to tell stories...
Stories can share knowledge...
Stories can leave memories...
Storytelling can reassure...
Stories are memories...
This should be your goal because it`s a good skill...
History comes from stories...
Storytelling helps create an identity...
Stories have created brands...
Stories have created video games...
You choose your format...
Storytelling can do alot...
Storytelling is all over the world with...
We should be passionate about what we say; storytelling is a big thing...
You choose who you share your stories with...
Storytelling can intermingle...
Storytelling is important...
Storytelling isn`t always easy to share...
But there are people looking to listen...
Storytelling creates stars...
Storytelling creates waves...
Storytelling plants seeds...
Storytelling deals with perception...
Great storytellers are usually great listeners...
Great storytellers create many mediums for intermingling stories...
Storytelling is shared; even by the best...
Storytelling is a bigger deal than some people realize...
Stories are important don't foget...

Stories are important once again, because...
This post is a shared story, hopefully this story impacted you in some way.
You know where the world is so...

"Be the storyteller you can only dream of being."-Robert James Warren 
(Creator of this blog)