Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Tree

The Tree 

The tree, the tree
A leaf saying pick me, pick me,
What could it be?
The leaf did see,
It was something meant to be.
So said the tree,
If it's meant to be,
What is it that you do see?
I see something blue,
That is the tree of you,
Though you do appear green,
You are not like you seem,
There is water near your stream,
Of what you claim to be green,
But the water is deep blue,
That water is in you,
No matter what is seems,
The tree is not always green, 
For the leaves, they do fall,
From the tree that grows really tall.
You are not what you appear to be,
That`s why I said to pick me.
 I want to show you more,
Of life and what you can explore,
Look at the details in the stream,
Running water has a gleam,
In fire there is spark`s light,
Though that spark may really fight,
Sparks don't always come alive,
That fire has a dive,
It is something that can cool,
So don`t be a fool,
Look around and see the grass,
A thing that seems to last,
While you grow, you drift away,
 To the sky of today,
That sky is your dream,
Of the life you have never seen,
To reach the sky you have to make right,
The obstacles that you may fight,
Though you are a tree and you called on me,
My leaf may fall in the sea,
When the water gleams the day,
Don't give up because you say,
I am only what I look and that is green,
Forget what color it may seem,
I know trees can be blue,
I am the wise leaf you never knew,
This an old wise tale of the tree,
Of the story of why you called on me.

"Don't only believe what is obvious. Don`t only believe the facts. It is the details that make this life amazing."

"The tree thinks it knows everything. The tree may think it understands the grass, the water, and everything involved in a tree's life. It takes one leaf to show the tree what life is beyond a normal life. It takes the grass swaying a different way to make others think differently. It takes the stream of reflection to see what lies beyond the normal habits of life. Acting out of the ordinary is what makes the ordinary extraordinary."     

(Poem & Quotes by Robert Warren)
(Creator of this blog)

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