Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Look Up

Socially Overlooked

        In our society technology is quickly evolving. There is always a new device, item or thing. You can't possibly keep up with all the innovations. The issue is technology is evolving to be so good that reality is becoming hidden within a cyberspace. We are shifting our focus from the good in life to the good in the next big thing. Once you realize it much time you really spend with have an  opportunity to step back.
       Looking at your phone you miss your surroundings. You miss saying hi to people you may know, you may miss someone in need, or you may miss your soon to be spouse. Looking at your phone you may walk into something you don't see, or may end up hitting a car that sneaks up.  Looking into a screen you can see what the online social interface thinks but then you miss it...the peoples opinions who matter most.

      Think of the purpose of each device. A cell phone is used to call or text. It has a purpose to get you in contact with people you care about. It isn't meant to replace them. A computer is meant to work on for office, school or just to have fun. A laptop is not meant to replace every paper with documents. A laptop is not meant to replace every physical conversation with a virtual one. A laptop isn't meant to take away all your free time.

      The more technology develops the more you have to stand your ground. You have to actually limit yourself. It`s sad to think of if playgrounds were to one day be replaced with computer labs which students would play games at. We need to have not just virtual interaction but also verbal interaction. When people are hiding behind their device at a dinner table because you don`t know the person across from you it has gone too far. You need to meet people, think of how people met you.

     Connecting to people by putting away your mobile devices is important. Now we live where people often find it awkward to look each other in the eyes. That is disappointing because you are missing the meaning to a conversation. As a theatre major, when I have acted I have been told to look people in the eyes. Actors are told that all the time because it evokes emotion and it brings meaning. Often the actors will even look at certain audience members to bring them into the scene. There is a reason for it but people are afraid. People are hiding behind their phones because they are used to the bonds they already have with the virtual world.

     Look up. It is as simple as that. Put down your phone and look at the people you talk to in the eyes. Sincerely get to know the people around you. It is getting easier and easier to isolate yourself in a world of technology. Having your own phone, computer and other devices in your own room. You feel like you are alone because we are often separated in our own homes, rooms, cars, and lives. You are not alone though. There are people all around you except you often miss them because of some device.

      Parks are becoming less and less used by kids as technology develops. Schools are having to adapt to technological changes. News is now given online which includes video or media clips. Your personal information is becoming more and more voluntarily given to the social world. You are posting more of your own photos, posting more of your own videos and even giving more of your information. Dont just be liked in the virtual world let yourself be loved in the physical one.

    Imagine this... you are sitting at a table and forgot your phone. Someone joins you at this table to eat their food. Are you more likely to spark a conversation since you don`t have your phone? The answer is yes. While you may not realize it the less you have your phone the more forced you will be to have a conversation with others around you. You could meet your best friend, your date, your spouse, or even a future employer. The fact is being integrated with a technological world of opportunity shy`s away the opportunities right in front of us. The number one way to show someone you love them is to spend time with them.

    Think of why you love your parents, siblings, relatives, or really good friends. Think of why you love your dog, cat, hamster, or pet. It is because you spend time with them in a physical world and less in a virtual world. Your parent(s) or guardian(s) raised you. They took time away from their phone, computer or electronic media to spend time with you. You did the same for them. You spent time with your pet in person. You were looking out for your pet just as your parents were looking out for you. Looking out for someone shows you care and it is more meaningful to lookout for someone in person rather than in a virtual world.

    "Thank you for looking out for me." I am sure you have heard the phrase. Think about when you have heard it being used. You may have heard it from one good friend to another. You may have heard it when someone was preventing another from getting in trouble over nothing. You may have heard it when someone was going through a life struggle and a person came through from them. Now truly think on it and you will realize that very seldomly do you hear this being used due to help over social media. Why? One on one interactions IN PERSON is more meaningful.

     I didn't write this post to bring you down and make you feel like we are in a technological cage and trapped without a way to get out. I wrote this to make you realize the technology we have is a supplement to our life it isn't meant to replace it. You have the keys to unlock the technological lure that we are in. The lock is right there but the question is will you unlock it? Will you take a few moments each day in a step away from technology. Making yourself get far enough away that you are able to interact day to day without a fear to look people in the eyes. Giving yourself confidence is not something that anyone said would be easy. It starts from stepping away from the technological trap many fall into though. Public parks are there for a reason use them. Dont let it get to the point that people start looking at parks as pointless. The scariest thing is thinking of a little kid going to a park and questioning what do I do here? Imagine if you had to explain the fun behind sliding down a slide. If you had to explain why swinging on a swing is fun. Imagine if you had to explain the fun in hopscotch and foursquare. The day people stop going to the park is the day technology goes too far.

    So look up. Be aware. Be Conscious. Put  your phone down. Make eye contact. Have meaningful conversation. Take time to listen and add value to your conversation. Don't let a bright screen hide your face, the world wants to see you.  

This has been a piece brought to you by Robert Warren. I hope you enjoyed it.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely written. And truly, the conversations we have in person always should hold more value than those we do on the web, 'cause simply put, the web gives us a mask for who we actually are, which have a deep impact on how we live and manage are real and virtual lives.
