Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Time, Can You Handle Reading This Through?

Time Thoughts

Thought One

Time is an odd thing.
Too much of it, and we are bored.
Too little, and we are stressed.
Yet just enough and we are in harmony.

(Robert Warren, the Creator of this Blog)

Thought Two

Time is what you make it.
Time is both harmful and beneficial.
Time is used, but it's your choice how.
Time is what you make it.
 So, make the most of it.

(Robert Warren, the Creator of this Blog)

Time Questions

Question 1

Is time a clock?
Is time only a clock because we make it that way?

(Robert Warren, the Creator of this Blog)

Question 2

Is there ever really too much time?
Are we just not making enough of it?

(Robert Warren, the Creator of this Blog)

Time Poems

Poem 1

Reading this?
Time, the ticking of the stress.
Time, a moment to rest.
Time, what do you need?
Time, the moment to read.

(Poem by Robert Warren)
(Creator of this Blog)

Poem 2

Time, the official poem
Gazing at the clock, at night there is no need to hurry.
The time of the moon, brings almost no need to scurry.
At night, the clock seems to slow.
At day, where does time go?
Pondering thoughts, a moment in time.
They equip you in, as you are reading this rhyme.
Time is limitless, yet it`s not.
This is such a crazy thought.
Time is limited for you, make sure to leave a mark.
Inspire someone, just by walking to the park.
Time, is infinite if you don't make yourself wait.
Time is only limited when you procrastinate.
If the second is used, in the best timed way.
Think of how your life could be different today.
Time is limited, only by you.
So I ask, what will you do?
Time to go, bye you say.
Let your inspiration come today.

(Poem by Robert Warren)
(Creator of this Blog)

Time, Quotes

"Time is limited  they say, but the question is will you let it be?"

(Robert Warren, the Creator of this Blog)

"Time is missed opportunity when you: think, ponder, question or hesitate. Time is missed opportunity when you: delay, cancel, forget, or recollect. Time is missed opportunity until you stop realizing what you are missing and start acting on what you aren't."

(Robert Warren, the Creator of this Blog)

 "Turn time from missed opportunity to the opportunity." 

(Robert Warren, the Creator of this Blog)

"Make every moment of time yours, and craft every moment to fit you. You were not meant to be crafted to fit time, you were made to craft time into you. Become yourself  and don`t become the too stressed doing it. Time is in place for you, just as you are in place for time." 

(Robert Warren, the Creator of this Blog)

"You choose what you do and what you don't, time can`t make that choice, time can only influence it, if you let it."  

(Robert Warren, the Creator of this Blog)

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